Common problems:

The start button on the CD-ROM menu does not work.
Notes to NT Users
Notes to Windows 2000 Users
After I complete UCF-Setup, the windows tells me to double click on Dial-Up Networking, but it's not there.
When I try to dial into UCF it says my modem is not configured.
I need to dial an outside line to dial a local number.
My modem dials UCF but doesn't seem to connect.
During insallation, I ran out of hard drive space.
I try to install QuickTime my computer tells me that there is not enough space on my temp drive.
I connect to the UCF campus network but nothing happens.
How do I print the results from the "I'm a Genius" test?

The start button on the CD-ROM menu does not work.

PC Only: This error means that the CD-ROM was unable to locate your web browser. If there is a browser installed on your computer, go to the CD-ROM and double-click on the file "pegasus.htm" file.

"Notes to NT users:"

  1. You must have at least service pack 3 installed for the installation of Netscape to work correctly.
  2. Do not use the "UCF Set-Up" portion of the disc. NT requires manual set-up of the dial-up networking. Instuctions can be found in the access server information section of the Pegasus Disc. If you have further questions, call the UCF Cyberknights at 407-823-2924 or UCF helpdesk at 407-823-5117.

"Notes to Windows 2000 users:"

Automatic installation of the dialup connection to UCF is not supported. Please refer to the instructions in the tutorial section of the CD as guidelines to create your connection.

After I complete UCF-Setup, the windows tells me to double click on Dial-Up Networking, but it's not there.

PC Only: This error means that Dial-Up Networking is not installed on your computer. It is neccessary to access UCF's free internet service. To install Dial-Up Networking do the following: Click on Start, Settings, then Control Panel. Open "Add/Remove Programs". Click on the "Windows Setup" tab. In the list of items double click on Communications. Check "Dial-Up Networking". Click "OK". At this point Windows will attempt to install Dial-Up Networking. You may need your Windows CD at this point. After it is finished, close all windows and try UCF-Setup again.

When I try to dial into UCF, it says my modem is not configured.

PC: This error means that either a modem is not installed, or you have not selected one to be used. Click on the "My Computer" icon, then double-click on "Dialup Networking." You should see an icon labeled "Pegasus." Right click here, select "Properties" and you should be prompted to change your modem. You will see a space that says "Select new modem here." Click there to select your modem. If a modem is already selected then it may not be the right one, or it is configured improperly.
Mac: This error means either there is no modem installed, the correct modem hasn't been selected, or there is a problem with the modem. Under the FreePPP menu (the telephone in the upper right hand corner of the screen), choose "Open FreePPP Setup...." Make sure the correct modem is chosen (should be the default modem) and that it is configured correctly. FreePPP detects nearly all settings so there is very little you need to configure.

I need to dial an outside line to dial a local number. How do I set this up?

PC: After you run the UCF-Setup program, do the following: Open My Computer, then open Dial-Up Networking. Right click on the UCF connection icon, then select properties. You will see a line that contains the phone number for the pegasus terminal server. Add the appropriate dialing prefix before the number then press OK.

My modem dials UCF but doesn't seem to connect.

  1. PC and Mac: You may have entered your user name or password incorrectly.
    Username: Your initials plus the last five (5) digits of your social security number (ex: jps56789).
    Password: Eight (8) digits comprised of the first four digits of your social security number and your birth month and day (ex: 1234MMDD). You will be required to change your password periodically.

  2. PC Only: A setting may be incorrect on your computer. Double-click on the "My Computer" icon, then double-click on "Dialup Networking." Next, click on "Configure." You should see a tab that says "Options." Click on this tab. Place a check in the box labeled "Bring up terminal window after dialing." Once you click OK, the changes should take effect. The next time you log in, a black terminal window will come up and prompt you for your username and password. After you enter these items, another prompt will appear in the form of "ASxxx". At this prompt, type "PPP," press enter, and click "Continue." This procedure should establish your connection.

During installation, I ran out of hard drive space.

PC Only: If your computer is low on hard drive space, then the order of installation is important. It may be necessary to install the "UCF Setup" files before installing Netscape and its plug-ins. Therefore, you will need to do the following:
  1. Uninstall Netscape and any of the plug-ins (Quicktime, Acrobat, Shockwave)
  2. Uninstall any unused or unwanted programs, then empty the recycle bin
  3. Double-click on the "Pegasus" file of the Pegasus Connections CD-ROM
  4. Click on "UCF Setup" to configure your computer to connect to the UCF campus network
  5. Click on "Install" to re-install Netscape and the needed plug-ins

When I try to install QuickTime my computer tells me that there is not enough space on my temp drive.

PC Only: Open up Windows Explorer and find the C:\WINDOWS\TEMP folder and delete all files in that folder. Run the installation program again.

When I try to install Shockwave, I get an error:
"The DLL urlmon.dll could not be found in the path specified."

PC Only: This sometimes happens with Windows NT 4.0. You can safely ignore the error, everything will still work.

I connect to the UCF campus network but nothing happens.

PC and Mac: Once the connection is established, you need to open Netscape or whatever browser application you plan to use. Your computer will not automatically open a browser program to use the connection.

How do I print the results from the "I'm a Genius" test?

PC and Mac: Once you click the "I'm a Genius" monitor, you will be prompted to accept or reject a "Trusting Mode." Check "Yes" to accept the Trusting Mode.